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Why post on Monday's?  My Dad used to like getting important business done on Mondays so it's a  nod to his work ethic.  People, places and things, can influence each and every one of us in special and different ways.   Our family has not celebrated father's day since 2001, the year Dad passed, but in many ways every Monday is a kind of father's day. 

When someone passes I believe the best way to celebrate his or her life is to take note of the people, places and things they valued.  Yesterday's Father's Day caused me to pause and think about this and how happy my Dad would be to see this project unfold.  I feel blessed to able to celebrate some of those values, while still on the planet to note them.  

This post is about those people, place and things -- hard work, family, success (that came through fish, etc.), quality, perseverance and fierce determination as a force of love.

Hard work:





Fierce determination as a force of love:

and a little magic through the rain drops...