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People -- who's CANEMAN, you may ask?  I recently had Gerry Teahan, while at the Union coffee shop/store present me with this year's short story of the Caneman.  What a delight!  I did not realize this is a short story series of which Gerry is the author, comes out on occasion that not only celebrates being an Elder also celebrates charming writing.  Gerry is a musician who lives in our "hood" and I've often talked to about things and life and now I know is a hidden gem who lives near me.  These discoveries are beyond wonderful -- thank you Gerry and now I understand "miscreant" as a noun and an adjective!

The other photo below is of another Jerry.  Jerry Whitehead is another amazing person who has crossed my path over the years.  I first met Jerry while giving some of my time to the Russian Hall wall mural project lead by Richard Tetrault.  Over the years I have grown to become a friend of Jerry's through art projects.  In the photo of Jerry and the print block below, created by him and his son Jerome, it is an honour to know this piece will become a door in the Big House.  I love the generational connection and that there is a true respect for generational understanding in this work.  Feeling blessed to know both Jerry and Jerome.

 union and not union...

Places... during the CRAWL (Nov. 16-19th) I went to a good deal of artist's studios.  Those places range from okay to amazing and it's interesting to know that what you notice one year when visiting the next blow your mind.  Here we have some photos of the Big House and the reality of angles and what takes place to build a home and also the amazing lighting re-discovered at Sasamat Creative at the Mergatroid building.  I love that Sasamat has taken colour to some of their lighting this year  and looking forward to considering this beautiful work for the Big House.

Things...while visiting the Project as often as possible, the goal to be daily, there are always small discoveries in the things found on these visits.  Here I happened to catch a few gems that the guys on site just do.  It's part of their job and most likely just a part of their everyday.  These photos are a tribute to the everyday of those dudes that show up and do their job with honour, respect and integrity to their profession!